Mari Carpenter
2 min readMay 18, 2022

Humility and authenticity in relation to leadership & role models/mentors.

« Do what you feel in your heart to be right–for you’ll be criticized anyway ». — Eleanor Roosevelt

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

A humble person accurately acknowledges both their strengths and limitations. These people have the capacity to be honest and without pretense in relation to themselves. They are “right-sized” and without false pride, arrogance, or importantly, low self-esteem ( Being able to humbly take feedback from people who are honest with you, and being able to humbly give feedback even if it means a relationship is severed. Honest feedback is between people who love each other. Its difficult on both sides, and if it cannot be exchanged, then maybe it is best to move on until it can be exchanged, or to create space to be of maximum usefulness to another.

On leadership, I am aligned with Simon Sinek’s view that great leaders equip others with the tools to not just maximize success of the business but developing others to reach their full potential. While I am very new to being a yoga teacher, and soon I will be providing health and wellness coaching (stay tuned!), I have been leading within organizations for over 20 years now. I take it very seriously. It is fun for me to see others light shine and to create a space for them to grow and realize their potential. My primary purpose is to maximize my usefulness to others and find the venues where I am the best version of myself. If I am in a space where I am not fulfilling my purpose, or it is distracting from my purpose, then it is time to leave.

I have had many role models in my life, and sure, I have put some of them on pedestals. When I have done that, I have always been disappointed when their human-ness and flaws began to unfold. Whether it be sobriety and sponsors, mentors at work, therapists, or yoga teachers, I have always sought to learn from anyone and everyone I can to gain different perspectives and inspiration. All of these “role models” I believe have a responsibility to acknowledge that they are viewed as role models. That doesn’t mean they need to change their authenticity, but acknowledge the responsibility with honor and integrity.

Mari Carpenter
Mari Carpenter

Written by Mari Carpenter

Wellness Warrior and Spiritual Gangster. Lifelong Learner. Seeker of Truth.

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